Absolutely great experience!
Although it’s tough especially to non English native speakers.
Prateek was super amazing and helpful as the game master. Nice and professional to helped us out! Everything were explained well and puzzles were interesting and the atmosphere was nice.
The game was challenging but fun.
Love it!
Highly recommended.
Definitely wanna go back again!
每一关都设计地合理并且巧妙,主题内容也很有趣,game master人特别好而且很专业,很棒的体验!
Come from Newcastle.Great experience, guided by a Chinese shop assistant, next time bring friends to play. Choose the theme of vampire, the experience of the game is strong.Because we have been at a checkpoint for too long, we have not come out smoothly. 来自纽卡斯尔。经验丰富,由中国店员指导,下次带朋友一起玩。选择吸血鬼这个主题,游戏体验很强。因为我们在检查站待的时间太长了,所以出来都不顺利。