loved this place, views are amazing, becarful going over the bridge as it says BRIDGE TO NOWHERE, there is a rough road over the bridge go slow, we loved it, sheep every where, they follow you like a dog, wonderful beach on a hot day you can swim and sunbathe, for walkers its great, you can walk past the bridge up the hills, would not say so good for a motor home,
I remember visiting this 30 years ago - it hasn't changed. Advice is that you park down at the beach car park and walk the short distance up to it, but we were amazed how many people actually drove across it to a small turn round on the other side, as the name says it all - the road runs out and it becomes a track. Good information board at the bridge.
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Nice drive to the bridge. There is space to get turned after the bridge and head back. There is an information board giving some background. I wouldn’t recommend going out your way to see it though.