点评:I prebooked our reservations for Glenmont Estates, but if you go early you may be able to get one then. I think it’s 15 max people for each tour. The house was great to see (only 30 mins) as well as the greenhouse & Garage which held his Antique Cars.
The Laboratory held SO much. Do all 3 floors. There is an elevator if needed. So well done & the history here is just fascinating. I truly had no idea he had 1093 patents & of the things he created. He made more than just the Lightbulb !! We truly enjoyed our time at the Glenmont Estates (his home) & Laboratory complex. We were there around 4 hours total. So much to read & see. There is an audio you can play along on your phone, but it got aggravating while trying to take photos too so I stopped audio as you have to enter numbers at every stop. Handset or headphones would be so much better.
翻译:我提前预定了 Glenmont Estates 的座位,但如果你早点去,也许可以订到。我认为每次游览最多 15 人。房子很棒(仅 30 分钟),温室和车库也很棒,里面停放着他的古董车。
实验室里有很多东西。参观所有 3 层楼。如果需要,还有电梯。做得很好,这里的历史令人着迷。我真的不知道他有 1093 项专利和他创造的东西。他做的不仅仅是灯泡!!我们真的很享受在 Glenmont Estates(他的家)和实验室综合楼度过的时光。我们在那里总共待了大约 4 个小时。有很多东西可以阅读和观看。您可以在手机上播放音频,但在尝试拍照时也会很烦人,所以我关闭了音频,因为您必须在每次停止时输入数字。手机或耳机会更好。