点评:It really is worth the long drive from Cairns and the entrance fee.
The history of the Paronella family was related admirably by guides, Bill and Shelley as we walked around the gardens. Jose’s entrepreneurship, his and Margurite’s industry in creating beautiful pleasure gardens, with entertainment and hospitality are mind-boggling.
Equally admirable is the re-awakening of the site by the present owners, preserving the history, telling the stories and showcasing the structures that remain, in an environment that is a joy to explore.
There are snacks, good lunch offerings, tea and coffee to be enjoyed on the veranda overlooking the gardens. Loan umbrellas are available for visitors when the weather is showery.
There are 40plus stone steps down to the lower garden but guests with mobility issues will be driven down and up again on request.
通往下层花园有 40 多级石阶,但行动不便的客人可以根据要求上下车。