点评:I live a few hours away and called the day before to see if I can get a rain check due to inclement weather in the forecast. The receptionist said they do not issue rain checks until the day of and only when they physically see rain. She said to call back tomorrow at 9 AM when they open. I explained to her that my trip appointment is at 10 AM and being that I am a few hours away that I would have to be already on the road driving towards them to call to see if I can get a rain check. She then put me on hold for over 10 minutes. When she came back, she said to call tomorrow when they open and that they would issue me a rain check.
When I called back the next day (day of trip), they said they will issue me a rain check. When I checked the email confirmation, it said that I had a cancellation and was issued a store credit however, it was not in the amount that I originally paid for. I paid $294 and got a store credit of $278.88. I called them back to inquire about this. They said that a rain check is the same thing as a cancellation and I did not get my full amount due to processing fees. Nowhere in the policy does it say rain check is the same thing as a cancellation. (Attached is a screenshot of the email of the rain check and cancellation policy). So now when I want to rebook, I will have to pay out-of-pocket the difference due to only not going on the trip because of inclement weather.
翻译:我住的地方离我家有几个小时的车程,前一天打电话询问是否可以延期,因为天气预报说天气恶劣。接待员说他们直到当天下雨才会发放延期票。她说明天早上 9 点他们开门的时候再打电话。我向她解释说我的行程预约时间是早上 10 点,而我离他们家有几个小时的车程,所以我必须已经在路上开车去他们家才能打电话询问是否可以延期。然后她让我等了 10 多分钟。她回来后说明天他们开门的时候再打电话,他们会给我发延期票。
当我第二天(行程当天)再打电话时,他们说会给我发延期票。当我查看电子邮件确认时,上面说我取消了行程,并获得了商店信用额度,但金额不是我最初支付的金额。我支付了 294 美元,获得了 278.88 美元的商店信用额度。我回电话询问此事。他们说延期预订和取消预订是一回事,由于手续费,我没能拿到全部金额。政策中没有任何地方说延期预订和取消预订是一回事。(附件是延期预订和取消预订政策的电子邮件截图)。所以现在当我想重新预订时,我将不得不自掏腰包支付差额,因为天气恶劣导致我无法出行。