点评:I have had a season pass to Solitude for the last 25 years. If I had other choices I would gladly switch at this point of my life.
Where we used to brag to people about Solitudes grooming it is now abysmal. They have gone from first to worst in the Cottonwoods. Today (Jan 2025) they had almost nothing groomed the only groomed trail from upper mountain they finally decided to put snowmaking on, Sunrise lift is open but to get to it you have to climb from Main Street since Blue Spruce is only groomed at the bottom. Why groom half a trail?
This is the latest of a series of skier unfriendly things they have done.
Their UNSAFE blue fences, put up in the guise of safety have long been a problem. When asked over the years why they are doing that workers admit they are wrong but are ordered to do it. That includes every ski patroller I have ever talked to. You will find fences like that at NO OTHER SKI AREA.
Mangement doesn't have to believe me go to Brighton or any other ski area, you will be embarrassed.
翻译:过去 25 年来,我一直持有 Solitude 的季票。如果我有其他选择,我很乐意在人生的这个阶段换一家。
我们过去常常向人们吹嘘 Solitudes 的修整情况,但现在情况糟糕透顶。他们在 Cottonwoods 从最好的变成了最差的。今天(2025 年 1 月),他们几乎没有修整过任何雪,唯一修整过的山上小道他们终于决定安装造雪机,Sunrise 缆车已经开放,但要到达那里,您必须从 Main Street 爬上去,因为 Blue Spruce 只在山脚修整过。为什么要修整半条雪道?