点评:This reserve has many acres following Sonoita Creek. It's attraction is the creek which flows year round (a rarity in this part of the world.) There are several paths which follow the creek, transverse a grassy field, and follow a railroad bed.
The open-air visitor center is very attractive and has knowledgeable volunteers. The bathrooms are great and there is opportunity to learn about the area. This is also a prime area for seeing birds, including humming birds.
My less than excellent rating is based on several things. The signage directing visitors to the entrance is meagre and the road is pretty bad. We wondered if we should keep going. Also, visitors should be aware that the gate closes at 4:00 - a bit early for vacationers. Finally, if you are from the East or places other than the desert, you might wonder what the excitement is all about. The reserve looks like something we might have in our back yards.
我的评价不太好,是基于几个原因。引导游客前往入口的标志很少,路况也很糟糕。我们不知道是否应该继续走下去。此外,游客应该注意,大门在 4:00 关闭 - 对于度假者来说有点早。最后,如果您来自东部或沙漠以外的地方,您可能会想知道这到底有什么好玩的。这个保护区看起来就像我们后院里的东西。