点评:The first place I headed to when I left the motel, on my recent road trip, was to the nearby wetlands... whilst I was sore and questioned my decision whether to go walking... I figured it was good for me. I found it easily on the main road, parked my car - wondered what all the action was over the road - turns out it's free camping. Then my focus was on the nearby display called, "Yindyamarra"- which is located in the carpark of the wetlands.
From here you follow the path leading into the woods... watch out for the wolf, don't skip into the area in a red cape looking for your Grandmother ... but on a serious note.... come with no expectations and embrace this natural environment.
You step into the area and it's so calm, peaceful, beautiful ... adjectives are not suffice.
And I don't really want you to take my word for how lovely it is... I want you to share my experience. The area is not big... it will not take a lot of your time...but it will sing to your soul... and that is something special.