点评:Don’t miss seeing this amazing museum on the University of Oregon campus! It’s small, but magnificent with spectacular exhibits! It takes about an hour (or two, depending on your interests) to stroll the wondrous variety of rooms – showcasing everything from the world’s oldest sandals (braided from sagebrush bark) to a towering prehistoric sloth with frightful claws, to giant salmon that once grew to nearly 9-feet-long & weighed 400 pounds!
Many interactive displays will captivate children & adults; there’s a paleo lab for kids; a wall-sized “Oregon fossil map” with wondrous wanderers from the past; and even a museum gift shop near the museum’s entryway which offers books, notecards, local artwork, & more!
Museum hours are Wed. through Sunday, with low-cost admission ($ 6 general; $4 senior, and free the first Friday of each month). Limited nearby parking requires a museum permit (obtained inside the building). Backpacks are not allowed, but can be checked (for free) in lockers near the front desk.
Current special showings: “Underwater Forests – Oregon’s Kelp Ecosystems” (to Feb. 2, 2025) featuring sea otters & sunflower starfish; and a spectacular “Capturing the Cosmos: Images from the James Webb Space Telescope” – on view to March 28, 2025 – revealing startling photos sure to stun your senses with surprising beauty! My favorite was the dazzling “Rho Ophiuchi” cloud complex where new stars are born!
See the museum’s website for additional information, and upcoming events. For sure, you will visit more than once!
翻译:不要错过俄勒冈大学校园内这座令人惊叹的博物馆!它很小,但非常壮观,展品非常壮观!大约需要一个小时(或两个小时,取决于您的兴趣)来参观各种奇妙的房间 - 展示从世界上最古老的凉鞋(由山艾树皮编织而成)到高耸的史前树懒和可怕的爪子,再到曾经长到近 9 英尺长、重达 400 磅的巨型鲑鱼等各种物品!
博物馆开放时间为周三至周日,门票价格低廉(普通票 6 美元;老年人票 4 美元,每月第一个周五免费)。附近有限的停车位需要博物馆许可证(在建筑物内获得)。背包不允许携带,但可以免费寄存在前台附近的储物柜中。
当前特别展览:“水下森林——俄勒冈州的海藻生态系统”(至 2025 年 2 月 2 日),展出海獭和向日葵海星;壮观的“捕捉宇宙:詹姆斯·韦伯太空望远镜拍摄的图像”——展出至 2025 年 3 月 28 日——展示令人惊叹的照片,一定会以惊人的美丽震撼您的感官!我最喜欢的是令人眼花缭乱的“蛇夫座 Rho”云层,新星就是在这里诞生的!