点评:DO NOT go hiking or driving here unless you’ve done your homework, checked it twice, have a 4-wheel drive vehicle, and have a high tolerance for risk while on the road. Trails are NOT well marked! This is the case everywhere in these “Geosites” in Nova Scotia. Worse yet, the road recommended to us by park staff with no qualifications or questions asked turned out to be a one-lane gravel road with multiple bridges that definitely would not pass a safety inspection. Said road takes 40 minutes one way to the Three Sisters area. It is the only way into or out of this spot by car until the bridge on the north side is repaired. Do not go to Three Sisters by car til after that bridge is back in use. The trip there was one of the scariest of my life, and I grew up on gravel roads and prairie roads in the middle of nowhere. If Nova Scotia authorities read this, please alert park staff to stop use of this one-lane gravel road with no margins for error! DANGER!
翻译:不要在这里徒步旅行或开车,除非你做了功课,检查了两次,有一辆四轮驱动的车辆,并且在路上有很高的风险承受能力。路径标记不清晰!新斯科舍省的这些“地质遗址”到处都是这种情况。更糟糕的是,公园工作人员在没有资格或询问的情况下向我们推荐的道路原来是一条单车道碎石路,有多个桥梁,肯定不会通过安全检查。这条路单程到三姐妹地区需要 40 分钟。在北侧的桥梁修好之前,这是开车进出该地点的唯一途径。在那座桥恢复使用之前,不要开车去三姐妹。那次旅行是我一生中最可怕的一次,我从小就在荒无人烟的碎石路和草原路上长大。如果新斯科舍省当局看到这条消息,请提醒公园工作人员停止使用这条没有出错余地的单车道碎石路!危险!