点评:Hiring the bbq boat pontoon for my birthday was a great decision to hang out with my beautiful girlfriends! We all had fun even if the weather was cold. We thought 8 hours hire was too long but it was not.
The guys were friendly, helpful and they were so detailed in giving our boat driver insights and instructions to follow in the map. We never had issues while sailing in the river. The barbecue was good and no problem lighting it up. Toilet was easy to use.
Just a tip, the driver does not need a licence to operate a boat but must have experience in operating it. We were all girls but we did all good esp my Amazing friend Hazel who operated the boat.
Highly recommend them to anyone wanting to enjoy Bribie boating.
You guys from Bribie Beach Shack are awesome! Thank you.
翻译:在我的生日那天租了一艘烧烤船浮桥,这是一个很棒的决定,可以和我漂亮的女朋友一起出去玩!即使天气很冷,我们都玩得很开心。我们觉得租了 8 个小时太长了,但事实并非如此。
只是一个提示,司机不需要驾驶船只的执照,但必须有驾驶经验。我们都是女孩,但我们都做得很好,尤其是我驾驶船只的了不起的朋友 Hazel。
强烈推荐他们给任何想要享受 Bribie 划船的人。
你们来自 Bribie Beach Shack 太棒了!谢谢。