点评:So, some recent reviewers were less-than-interested in the various collections, but we found nearly all of them to be of interest. We would have stayed a bit longer if I had paid for more time on the (coin-operated) parking meter, but I didn't get a sense that we should do so from recent previous reviews. If you have the parking app, you may be able to add time using the app.
Yes, you must be the type that like museums, but if so, there's plenty to see here. The medieval armor collection is huge, and includes armor for horses and even children. The cabinet of curiosities contains many decorative items of amazing craftmanship, from wood to precious metals to coral! We could have used more time here.
In the upper castle, there is a collection of etched and decorated glass that we had to breeze through because of time limitations. The Habsburg portrait gallery is extensive, and we likewise had to move quickly through that - though we would have moved past many of the lesser Habsburg figures rather quickly regardless of time constraints. The great hall is quite worth seeing, and there are other collections as well. In the courtyard of the upper castle is a small restaurant; it only accepts cash.
Well worth a visit!