点评:I was fortunate enough to be able to book a private Rainy Lake / Voyageurs National Park tour with Rainy Lake Charters on short notice for the last day of our stay in the area. Their website is set up to allow you to make a reservation on line, and without any trouble. After making the reservation I contacted Capt. Ken by phone just to confirm that the reservation went through, as it was done on relatively short notice. Time and place were set up and Capt. Ken reconfirmed the details in an email.
My wife and I met him at the agreed upon time and place. Captain Ken went over the important safety details with us and off we went. For the full 2-1/2 hours, Captain Ken entertained and informed us of many things about Rainy Lake and Voyageurs Park that we would otherwise have never heard about. Captain Ken loves the area and is very passionate about all that the area has to offer and wanting to share it with others. This was evident throughout our entire tour.
We made 2 stops during the tour - The Harry Oveson Fish Camp and Little American Island. These stops, as well as being interesting not just from what park service has to offer but also what Capt. Ken has to offer about them, also allowed for bathroom breaks, if needed.
This private boat tour gave both of us feelings of exhilaration during it and afterwards. We both felt that we really got a good taste of the park.
We had done a considerable amount of touring in the northern portion of Minnesota and Voyageurs Park during our week’s stay and saw and did many neat things. And as it turned out, we Saved The Best For Last!
Thank you Captain Ken for a wonderful and memorable experience.
翻译:我很幸运能够在短时间内通过 Rainy Lake Charters 预订私人 Rainy Lake / Voyageurs 国家公园之旅,以度过我们在该地区逗留的最后一天。他们的网站允许您轻松在线预订。预订后,我通过电话联系了肯上尉,只是为了确认预订已成功,因为预订是在相对较短的时间内完成的。时间和地点已经确定,肯上尉在电子邮件中再次确认了细节。
我和妻子在约定的时间和地点见到了他。肯船长与我们一起了解了重要的安全细节,然后我们就出发了。在整整 2-1/2 小时的时间里,Ken 船长为我们带来了欢乐,并向我们讲述了许多有关 Rainy Lake 和 Voyageurs Park 的事情,否则我们可能从未听说过这些事情。肯船长热爱这个地区,对该地区所提供的一切充满热情,并希望与其他人分享。这在我们整个旅行中都很明显。
我们在旅行期间停了 2 站 - 哈利·奥维森渔营和小美国岛。这些停靠点不仅有趣,不仅来自公园服务所提供的服务,还来自肯上尉所提供的有关这些服务的内容,如果需要的话,还允许上厕所休息。
在我们一周的逗留期间,我们在明尼苏达州北部和 Voyageurs Park 进行了大量的游览,看到并做了很多很棒的事情。事实证明,我们把最好的留到了最后!