点评:This was one of the few churches that we did not visit, when we were in Vilnius 8 years ago, because, every time, we passed it, it was closed. However, in 2016, we did get a chance to go up its Bell Tower. This time, we were staying at the Hotel directly across the street, and were planning to attend a free "kanklių" (a Lithuanian plucked string musical instrument belonging to the zither family) concert one evening.
The concert was to begin at 6 pm, and by 5 o'clock, the entire church was full. However, we got there early enough to get seats, although way in the back. The originally Gothic (later Baroque) Church is not too large, and it was completed back in 1426. There are beautiful stained glass windows, which at that hour of the day, especially stood out due to the light from outside. The acoustics were outstanding in this cavernous setting.
The very old, but well maintained, beautiful wooden pews were too narrow for us, and thus, quite uncomfortable, but, since the concert was only about 1.5 hours long, we sat it out. What a lovely venue for such a lovely concert!
翻译:这是我们 8 年前在维尔纽斯时没有参观的少数几座教堂之一,因为每次我们经过它时,它都关门了。不过,在 2016 年,我们确实有机会登上它的钟楼。这次,我们住在街对面的酒店,计划参加一个晚上的免费“kanklių”(立陶宛拨弦乐器,属于齐特琴家族)音乐会。
音乐会定于下午 6 点开始,到 5 点,整个教堂就座无虚席。不过,我们到得还算早,有座位,虽然在后面。这座原本是哥特式(后来是巴洛克式)的教堂并不大,它建于 1426 年。教堂有美丽的彩色玻璃窗,在一天中的那个时候,由于外面的光线,它们显得格外突出。在这个洞穴般的环境中,音响效果非常出色。
那些非常古老但保养得很好的漂亮木制长椅对我们来说太窄了,因此非常不舒服,但由于音乐会只有大约 1.5 小时,所以我们就坐在那里。这么好的音乐会,这么好的场地真是太棒了!