点评:Located among the ghosts of National Bohemian and Carling Black Label, Heavy Seas has a nice operation, decent beers, a dedicated food truck (Koopers Tavern) and an expanded tap room. The bar area is nice, but the extra room in the brewery opens up the place with the high ceilings and game area. We got there at 3:40 to a light crowd, but by the time we left at 6:15 the place was packed.
Heavy Seas has never been on the top of my brewery lists due to their hop heavy lineup, but it nice to try some things thru flights. I thought the Chocolate Volcano had too little chocolate and was average at best and Red Eclipse (Vanilla Cherry Stoudt) a little too sweet, and they were both missing something in their tastes. The Brown Ale was OK, but I did like the TropiCannon, with its citrusy flavor offsetting some of the heavy hop. My wife liked the Cutlass Vienna Style Lager, and I thought the Ballpark Lager was good. It was also nice to see that it was $5 a pint.
The food truck from Koopers was efficient and had a great menu. My wife liked her pulled chicken sandwich and my pit beef was pretty good also with the Smokey BBQ and South Carolina BBQ sauces.
Normally I don't buy Heavy Seas products, but it was nice to come to the brewery to taste a few, and there were quite a few more to try on another visit. Good bar tenders. nice facility, great atmosphere.
翻译:Heavy Seas 坐落在 National Bohemian 和 Carling Black Label 的废墟之中,经营良好,啤酒品质上乘,有专门的餐车(Koopers Tavern)和一间扩建的酒吧。酒吧区很不错,但酿酒厂的额外空间让这个地方有了高高的天花板和游戏区。我们 3:40 到达那里时人不多,但当我们 6:15 离开时,这里已经挤满了人。
由于他们的啤酒花阵容很重,Heavy Seas 从未在我的酿酒厂名单上名列前茅,但在飞行途中尝试一些东西还是不错的。我认为 Chocolate Volcano 巧克力太少,充其量只是一般水平,而 Red Eclipse(香草樱桃 Stoudt)有点太甜,这两种啤酒的口味都缺少了一些东西。Brown Ale 还可以,但我喜欢 TropiCannon,它的柑橘味抵消了一些浓烈的啤酒花味。我的妻子喜欢 Cutlass Vienna Style Lager,我认为 Ballpark Lager 也不错。看到每品脱 5 美元,我也很开心。
Koopers 的餐车效率很高,菜单也很棒。我妻子很喜欢她的手撕鸡肉三明治,我的烤牛肉搭配烟熏烧烤酱和南卡罗来纳烧烤酱也很不错。
通常我不会购买 Heavy Seas 产品,但很高兴来到啤酒厂品尝一些,下次来的时候还有不少可以尝试。酒吧服务员很好。设施很好,氛围很好。