点评:Yes, many people go to Napa Valley for the wine, but there is so much more. For a wonderful, easy activity in nature, you must go kayaking with Napa Valley Paddle. Drew, the owner, is such a nice guy, full of information about the Napa area (including winery suggestions). We rented the double kayaks and paddled for two hours in the Fagan Preserve area. It's beautiful and peaceful. The kayaks are comfortable and sturdy, even for non-kayakers. Drew recommended a start time based on the tides. It was slightly overcast when we headed out at 9:30am, then the haze lifted and the view of the mountains was outstanding. Lots of birds and the flowers were all starting to bloom.
Near Napa Valley there is an area with bioluminescence (August-November). Drew takes kayakers there for what must be a very cool experience, we might have to go back and do this!
I highly recommend getting beyond the wineries and taking advantage of the beautiful area with a kayaking tour with Napa Valley Paddle !
翻译:是的,很多人去纳帕谷是为了品酒,但这里还有更多值得体验的地方。要想在大自然中体验一项美妙而轻松的活动,您必须和纳帕谷桨手一起划皮划艇。老板德鲁是个非常好的人,对纳帕地区(包括酿酒厂建议)了如指掌。我们租了双人皮划艇,在费根保护区划了两个小时。那里美丽而宁静。皮划艇舒适而坚固,即使对于非皮划艇爱好者来说也是如此。德鲁根据潮汐推荐了开始时间。我们上午 9:30 出发时,天色略微阴沉,然后雾霭散去,群山的景色十分壮丽。许多鸟儿和花朵都开始绽放。
纳帕谷附近有一个生物发光区(8 月至 11 月)。德鲁带皮划艇爱好者去那里,这一定是一次非常酷的体验,我们可能不得不回去这样做!