点评:The Pioneer Yosemite History Center is an open-air museum and collection of historic buildings from the early days of US settlement of Yosemite and its transformation into a tourist destination and park from the late 19th century on.
It is in Wawona, the settlement at the southern end of the national park centred on the historic Wawona Hotel, built in 1876. It includes a number of historic buildings preserved or moved here from other locations in the area, with signs and information about each of the buildings. There is also a covered bridge, built to cross the South Fork of the Merced River here in the 1850s, and later covered in the lat 1870s after the hotel was built. It is one of a small number of surviving historic covered bridges in California.
Sometimes, there are history events here. There are sometimes docents but even when there is nobody, visitors can walk among the buildings.
翻译:先锋优胜美地历史中心是一个露天博物馆,收集了美国殖民初期优胜美地的历史建筑,并从 19 世纪后期转变为旅游胜地和公园。
它位于 Wawona,国家公园南端的定居点,以建于 1876 年的历史悠久的 Wawona Hotel 为中心。它包括许多保存下来或从该地区其他地方搬到这里的历史建筑,每个建筑都有标志和信息的建筑物。还有一座廊桥,建于 1850 年代,用于穿越默塞德河 (Merced River) 的南叉,后来在酒店建成后于 1870 年代被遮盖。它是加利福尼亚州少数幸存的历史悠久的廊桥之一。