点评:My experience was completely ruined.
You are cooped up inside for hours for the presentations of them trying to basically sell you things.
They refuse to turn on the aircon (AC) so it becomes overly warm, coupled with the waves resulting in seasickness of passengers to happen. Even staff members mentioned the AC should really be turned on and was surprised that not more passengers experienced sea sickness.
Upstairs there is a VIP room for those going to the cruise, therefore only used for transit and empty all day. AC is turned on here but they refuse to let anyone sit in the room.
The upper deck barely has any shade, so be prepared to either be sunburnt or be cooped up with no AC.
Considering how much this experience is, highly recommend everyone to book elsewhere as your great barrier reef experience would be terrible.
楼上有一个 VIP 室,供那些去游轮的人使用,因此只用于过境,全天都空着。这里开了空调,但他们拒绝让任何人坐在房间里。