点评:The Hetch Hetchy dam and reservoir isn't as glamorous as Yosemite valley, but it still turned out to be a pleasant morning's visit. At the far northwest corner of the national park over the winding Evergreen Road, the HHR takes some effort to get to. We drove there on a Thursday morning, and almost had the place to ourselves for the first hour or two. There's a a one-way loop around the area, and a good-sized parking lot close to the dam itself. It's okay to walk on top of the arch dam itself, and there are display panels there about its history. It provides a great view out over the reservoir itself. Note the bridge-arch beneath the dam top which is part of the spillway path.
At the far (north) end of the dam is a tunnel blasted through solid rock. There are weak lights strung along within, so it's not quite as dark inside as you might think. The floor of the floor of the tunnel is fairly even, though not smooth. Emerging from the tunnel, one find the start of a walking trail.
Along the main road loop, there are other parking areas, as well as public restrooms. The long twisting access road along the mountainside provides some fine views over the valley downstream of the dam.