点评:I did the Luxury Sunset New Years Fireworks cruise. We were a group of 4. The sailboat takes off about 10pm and arrives back to the marina about 1am. I was a bit apprehensive about booking this trip as it was last minute as our initial New Years plans fell through. However, I was pleasantly surprised. The crew is very attentive and is quick to get you drinks, it’s open bar. We were offered various drink options. Additionally, the appetizer options provided were also quite delectable. The starter is a spinach salad with shrimp, then lightly seared tuna and seaweed salad, then a charcuterie board. Although they were only supposed to be appetizers , they were quite filling. A few minutes before the clock strikes 12, the crew passes out a glass of champagne and the traditional 12 grapes. Aside from the amazing view of the fireworks at 12am, we were treated to great views the entire cruise. It does get a bit chilly, so I would recommend taking a jacket. The confirmation email does mention this, my fault for not reading it all the way through. I would definitely do this again. We had a great time.
翻译:我参加了豪华日落新年烟花巡游。我们一行 4 人。帆船大约在晚上 10 点起飞,大约在凌晨 1 点返回码头。我对预订这次旅行有点担心,因为这是最后一刻,因为我们最初的新年计划泡汤了。然而,我感到很惊喜。船员非常细心,很快就为您送上饮料,这是开放式酒吧。我们提供各种饮料选择。此外,提供的开胃菜也相当美味。开胃菜是菠菜虾沙拉,然后是轻煎金枪鱼和海藻沙拉,然后是熟食拼盘。虽然它们只是开胃菜,但它们却很饱腹。在时钟敲响 12 点的几分钟前,船员们分发了一杯香槟和传统的 12 颗葡萄。除了 12 点烟花的壮丽景色外,我们在整个巡游过程中都欣赏到了美景。天气确实有点冷,所以我建议带上一件夹克。确认邮件确实提到了这一点,是我的错,我没有从头到尾读完。我肯定会再来。我们玩得很开心。