点评:More than just a photo op, the purpose of this place is to help people rise out of poverty by teaching them a viable trade and to build their own houses from everyday materials (such as plastic bottles, milk cartons, wooden palettes, etc.) The man who runs this place, Alfedo, will personally greet you and tell you a little bit about his mission before turning over the rest of the tour to a guide, Alejandra. Both were very kind and knowledgeable. The cost of entrance is very cheap ($2500 Argentinian pesos, or less than $7 USD), so tips are encouraged. It's definitely one of those "off the beaten path" places, so you don't have to worry about tons of tourists. I went on a Saturday morning and was the only person there. Depending on how many photos you want to take and how much time you want to spend at the gift shop, I'd reserve about an hour or hour and a half for this activity. All this to stay, I highly recommend a visit.
翻译:这个地方不仅仅是一个拍照场所,它的目的是帮助人们摆脱贫困,教他们一种可行的贸易,并用日常材料(如塑料瓶、牛奶盒、木板等)建造自己的房屋。这个地方的经营者阿尔费多 (Alfedo) 会亲自迎接您,并向您介绍他的使命,然后将剩下的行程交给导游亚历杭德拉 (Alejandra)。两人都非常友善且知识渊博。入场费非常便宜(2500 美元阿根廷比索,或不到 7 美元),因此鼓励小费。这绝对是那些“人迹罕至”的地方之一,所以你不必担心大量的游客。我是周六早上去的,是那里唯一的人。根据您想拍多少张照片以及您想在礼品店待多久,我会为这项活动预留大约一个小时或一个半小时。所有这些都值得留下来,我强烈推荐您参观。