点评:An amazing 3 days riding around the picturesque Howqua River - meandering around the pretty river flats with lots of river crossings and climbing up and over the surrounding hills. The horses were all happy, fit, well-behaved and perfectly matched to their riders’ ability and inclination.
The small group size (10, plus staff) was perfect, and we enjoyed getting to know each other, chatting while riding during the day and relaxing around the fire at night.
Shelly, Paul and the team were fantastic, so friendly, and great company, with lots of stories to share. Lisa, Tara, Molly and Ryan’s gentle encouragement and support were invaluable, and helped me learn and get comfortable with new riding skills - huge thanks to you all, and I can’t wait to do it again!
Accomodation is in simple, rustic rooms with bunks or beds, hot showers available, and plentiful, delicious, nutritious meals prepared by Shelly and the team are shared in the main hut or on the verandah overlooking the gorgeous valley. The team even drove out to the river flats and set up lunch for us there on the longest day’s ride - such a beautiful spot for a picnic. A warm fire kept the early morning and evening chill at bay, and Dougal the camp dog was a delight to have around, very entertaining!
I enjoyed the ride so much that I didn’t want it to end, and booked the next (longer) one the very next day.
If you love riding, beautiful country, and good company, just Buckle Up and do it!
翻译:在风景如画的 Howqua 河畔度过了令人惊叹的三天骑行之旅 - 在蜿蜒曲折的河滩上穿梭,途中要穿越许多河流,还要爬上周围的山丘。马匹都很快乐、健康、乖巧,与骑手的能力和喜好完美匹配。
小团体规模(10 人,加上工作人员)非常完美,我们很享受彼此的了解,白天骑马时聊天,晚上围坐在篝火旁放松。
Shelly、Paul 和团队非常棒,非常友好,是很好的伙伴,有很多故事可以分享。Lisa、Tara、Molly 和 Ryan 的温柔鼓励和支持非常宝贵,帮助我学习和适应新的骑行技巧 - 非常感谢你们所有人,我迫不及待地想再来一次!
住宿是简单、质朴的房间,配有双层床或床铺,提供热水淋浴,Shelly 和团队准备的丰盛、美味、营养丰富的餐点可在主小屋或俯瞰美丽山谷的阳台上享用。在一天中最长的骑行中,团队甚至开车去了河滩,为我们准备了午餐——这是一个野餐的好地方。温暖的炉火驱散了清晨和傍晚的寒意,营地狗 Dougal 的陪伴也让人很开心,非常有趣!