点评:I have participated in Patrick's tour today, starting fromn the Rose Garden and though the old town and ending in the Parliement building. I very much enjoiyed the tour and feel that I know much more about Bern than before. Partick is local and was very good in selecting interetsing facts and stories, which portray how the city was formed and evolved to what its today (the fact that it was formed through planning, not evolution from a village, the significance of Bern in the middle ages, the fire of the 15th century, the transition of the marek in the street to the front of the hauses and the archways, the significance of the Aare, the symbolism of the bear, the little difference between this bear and the one of New Bern (North Carolina). While Partick says he does not like politics, his appreciation of the democtratic system in Switzerland came across.
The group was small, which allowed Partick to engage well with all interested individuals. I strongly recommend this tour.
翻译:我今天参加了 Patrick 的旅行,从玫瑰园出发,穿过老城区,最后到达议会大厦。我非常喜欢这次旅行,感觉自己比以前更了解伯尔尼了。Partick 是当地人,他非常擅长选择有趣的事实和故事,这些事实和故事描绘了这座城市是如何形成并演变成今天的样子的(它是通过规划形成的,而不是从村庄演变而来的,伯尔尼在中世纪的意义,15 世纪的大火,街道上的马立克熊过渡到房屋和拱门前,阿勒河的意义,熊的象征意义,这只熊和新伯尔尼(北卡罗来纳州)的熊之间的细微差别)。虽然 Partick 说他不喜欢政治,但他对瑞士民主制度的欣赏却流露出来。
这个团体很小,这使得 Partick 能够与所有感兴趣的人很好地交流。我强烈推荐这次旅行。