点评:As a volunteer at the New Smyrna Museum of History and a volunteer at the National Park's Canaveral Seashore I can extoll the virtues of this town far beyond what this review is asking. It's history has a uniqueness not like other English settlements. Hold on to your hat as I try to pull salient facts together to give you a mini-history of this fabulously charming town that I call HOME.
Not only is it the THIRD oldest city in the state, it has a dramatic, spell-binding history making the original settlement's beginnings growing INDIGO startling in its inception in 1768 and tragic in its ending nine and a half years later in 1777. We are indebted to the 1,402 intrepid European souls who signed "Indentured Servant Contracts" coming mostly from the Mediterranean Island of Menorca, along with the first Greeks to come to America, with Italians and Corsicans and others rounding out the numbers. When the settlement failed after nine and one half years, the remnant of the impoverished settlers left, hiking the 65 miles to St. Augustine over the British built "King's Highway" and seeding that city's growth so that over 30,000 St. Augustine locals claim their ancestral heritage to the original 1768 settlers who came to New Smyrna Beach.
它不仅是该州第三古老的城市,而且有着戏剧性的、引人入胜的历史,使最初的定居点在 1768 年的开始令人震惊,在九年半后的 1777 年的结局令人悲痛。我们感谢 1,402 名勇敢的欧洲人,他们签署了“契约仆人合同”,其中大部分来自地中海梅诺卡岛,还有第一批来到美国的希腊人,意大利人、科西嘉人和其他人也加入了进来。当这个定居点在九年半之后失败时,剩余的贫困定居者离开,沿着英国修建的“国王公路”徒步 65 英里到达圣奥古斯丁,并为这座城市的发展播下了种子,以至于超过 30,000 名圣奥古斯丁当地人声称他们的祖先是 1768 年来到新士麦那海滩的最初定居者。