点评:This experience day was bought as a voucher by my family for my birthday. Communication with Nij via email was really easy and straight forward in order to find a day that suited. Everything was very well organised down to the really clear, detailed instructions of where to be and when. To my surprise when I arrived i was the only one to be on the experience day! The abbey itself offers a beautiful setting to watch and take part in rounding up the sheep - not as easy as Nij and the dogs make it look! We had great chats about training which really opened my eyes to the complexities of dog training and a personal highlight was certainly meeting the future generations of the team. It was certainly a different experience to the usual spa day but a thought provoking day in the fresh air was very restful and enjoyable!
翻译:这次体验日是我家人为我买的生日代金券。通过电子邮件与 Nij 的沟通非常简单直接,以便找到合适的一天。一切都井然有序,甚至包括非常清晰、详细的指示,说明何时何地。令我惊讶的是,当我到达时,我是唯一一个参加体验日的人!修道院本身提供了一个美丽的环境,可以观看和参与围捕羊群 - 并不像 Nij 和狗看起来那么容易!我们进行了关于训练的精彩对话,这让我真正了解了狗训练的复杂性,而个人亮点当然是与团队的未来一代见面。这当然是与通常的水疗日不同的体验,但在清新空气中度过的发人深省的一天非常轻松愉快!