El Convento de Nuestra Señora de la Merced en Sarria es una visita que merece la pena. Debes atravesar todo el casco histórico para llegar y es un paseo bonito y ligero del que os muestro también lo más interesante en las fotos.
En la iglesia no vas a ver nada que no hayas visto antes pero es bonita y el claustro es una joya. Merece la pena que os acerquéis porque es muy bonito y tiene ese toque de paz y silencio que inspira paz como debe ser un claustro.
La visita al exterior del complejo es hermosa y la única razón de que pierda una estrella es que no avisan de que el claustro tampoco se puede visitar durante la misa. Estábamos en silencio total y nos echaron de mala manera cuando un sencillo cartel nos hubiera bastado para salir de inmediato o entrar en un horario distinto.
Aún así no dejes de visitarlo. Merece la pena.
The Convent of Our Lady of Mercy in Sarria is worth a visit. You must walk through the entire historic center to get there, and it's a beautiful and light walk, of which I also show you the most interesting parts in the photos.
In the church, you won't see anything you haven't seen before, but it's beautiful, and the cloister is a gem. It's worth approaching because it's very beautiful and has that touch of peace and silence that inspires tranquility as a cloister should.
The visit to the exterior of the complex is beautiful, and the only reason it loses a star is that they don't warn you that the cloister cannot be visited during the mass. We were in total silence, and we were rudely kicked out when a simple sign would have been enough for us to leave immediately or enter at a different time.
Still, don't miss visiting it. It's worth it.